Download dictionaries

Download dictionaries #

All dictionaries can be downloaded from the SFTP server

There are several ways to connect to SFTP:

CLI - this stands for Command Line Interface. All modern operating systems come equipped with an SFTP CLI program, allowing users to type out text commands to communicate with an SFTP server.

GUI - or Graphical User Interface, which allows you to list, download, and upload files using a graphical interface which is friendlier and supports the mouse or trackpad as an input device to allow drag & drop to upload and download files. The most popular SFTP GUI clients are Filezilla and Cyberduck.

Programming libraries - There are a number of standard programming libraries, for pretty much any programming language, that let programmers interact with SFTP servers in their code.


Connect to the SFTP server

sftp -P65110
Replace sftp_login with the login to access the SFTP server

After connecting, you will see the dictionaries available to you and their versions.

sftp> ls
by        kz        ru        services  ua
sftp> ls services

Download the dictionaries you need

sftp> get services/services_20210831.dump
Fetching /services/services_20210831.dump to services_20210831.dump
/services/services_20210831.dump                             100%   25KB 338.5KB/s   00:00


WinSCP is an excellent FTP and SFTP client for Windows. You can start copying files between a remote server and local computer using SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, SCP, or S3 protocols.

FileZilla is a minimalist FTP solution that is free to use. This open-source solution is available under the GNU GPL license and supports FTP over TLS and SFTP. It is a secure and fast cross-platform FTP client with plenty of valuable features.

Cyberduckis an excellent libre server that also works as a cloud storage browser on Windows and Mac devices. It supports FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3, WebDAV, OpenStack Swift, Azure and OneDrive, Backblaze B2, Dropbox, and Google Drive.