Address search by ID

Address search by ID #

Method address #

POST /idsearch/address

Functionality #

Allows you to get the exact address using the address register (FIAS, KLADR, etc.) and the value (ID) of the object.

Request parameters #

queryString to parse addressstring947ac692-01e0-4b3e-8bbe-82169a86fd95
typeThe type of address registry to look up.
countryCodeCountry code, using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 stringstringRU

Sample request data #

  "query": "947ac692-01e0-4b3e-8bbe-82169a86fd95",
  "type": "FIAS",
  "countryCode": "RU"

Response options #

originalAn incoming address string that participated in the standardization
addressParsed and standardized address string
postcodeInZIP code found in the input string
postcodePostal code determined from the reference base in the process of standardization
regionRegion, region. See the description of the addressLevel structure
areaDistrict of the region. See the description of the addressLevel structure
cityTown. See the description of the addressLevel structure
cityAreaA district of the city. See the description of the addressLevel structure
settlementLocality. See the description of the addressLevel structure
planStructurePlanning structure (microdistrict). See the description of the addressLevel structure
streetStreet. See the description of the addressLevel structure
houseDetailsHouse part of the address. See the description of the structure houseDetails
coordinatesGeographical coordinates. See the description of the structure coordinates
countryCountry. See the description of the country structure
validSign of correctness of the address
qualityAddress quality code. See Address Quality Code

Descriptions of structures are available on the address standardization page.

Sample response data #

  "original": "санкт-петербург козлова 30",
  "address": "г Санкт-Петербург, ул Козлова",
  "postcodeIn": "",
  "postcode": "198260",
  "region": {
    "fullName": "г Санкт-Петербург",
    "name": "Санкт-Петербург",
    "type": "г",
    "codes": {
      "fias": "c2deb16a-0330-4f05-821f-1d09c93331e6",
      "ga": "RU0780000000000000000000000",
      "osm": ""
  "area": {
    "fullName": "",
    "name": "",
    "type": "",
    "codes": {
      "fias": "",
      "ga": "",
      "osm": ""
  "city": {
    "fullName": "",
    "name": "",
    "type": "",
    "codes": {
      "fias": "",
      "ga": "",
      "osm": ""
  "cityArea": {
    "fullName": "",
    "name": "",
    "type": "",
    "codes": {
      "fias": "",
      "ga": "",
      "osm": ""
  "settlement": {
    "fullName": "",
    "name": "",
    "type": "",
    "codes": {
      "fias": "",
      "ga": "",
      "osm": ""
  "planStructure": {
    "fullName": "",
    "name": "",
    "type": "",
    "codes": {
      "fias": "",
      "ga": "",
      "osm": ""
  "street": {
    "fullName": "ул Козлова",
    "name": "Козлова",
    "type": "ул",
    "codes": {
      "fias": "bcd993d5-11bb-49ba-957d-7f68ec1b3a70",
      "ga": "RU0780000000000000000000556",
      "osm": ""
  "houseDetails": {
    "fullName": "дом 30",
    "floor": "",
    "house": "30",
    "case": "",
    "build": "",
    "liter": "",
    "lend": "",
    "block": "",
    "pav": "",
    "flat": "",
    "office": "",
    "kab": "",
    "abon": "",
    "plot": "",
    "sek": "",
    "entr": "",
    "room": "",
    "hostel": "",
    "munit": ""
  "coordinates": {
    "latitude": 59.8388,
    "longitude": 30.2184
  "country": {
    "name": "Россия",
    "alpha2": "RU",
    "alpha3": "RUS",
    "numeric": 643
  "valid": true,
  "quality": {
    "unique": 0,
    "actuality": 0,
    "undefined": 0,
    "level": 7,
    "house": 0,
    "geo": 7